Surrogates. Unimaginable? Not Really.
Inevitable? Tough one… [youtube][/youtube]
Maya Elhalal's notes about life as a healthspan hacker, entrepreneur, mother, environmentalist. הבלוג של מיה אלחלל על החיים כהאקרית-בריאות, יזמית, אמא ופעילת איכות סביבה.
Inevitable? Tough one… [youtube][/youtube]
This was my first attempt at moving objects with the Emotive Epoc EEG Headset… Take 2 wasn’t very pretty. And here’s Tan Le, head of Emotiv Systems, demoing the headset at the TED Global 2010 conference in Oxford.
I’m lying in bed on my stomach, in my old apt in Tel Aviv, when suddenly I get this weird feeling that something isn’t right. I can’t feel the entire front side of my body touching the bed! I realize that I’m slowly staring to … Continue readingPick up! I’m Flying!
About lessons learned in New Media Ent’ and much less. March 24th, Industrial Engineering Building at 18:30 and the full info here:
One of my favorites from TED Global 2009 + testing if HE translation works in embedded talks.
So I go to Better Place visitors center today, to meet with Inbal who does their marketing. Meeting was great, we discussed some very cool co-op that I’m excited about, I drove the electric car, got the grand tour, loved it and went on with … Continue readingThe Story of my visit to Better Place. Coincidence? I DON’T THINK SO!
and promise to share more as we come up for air… The full and most updated information about the event can always be found in the TEDxTelAviv official website. You can also follow TEDxTelAviv updates via RSS or Twitter (if you tweet, please use #TEDxTelAviv).