Few people are brave enough to attempt audacious goals. Far fewer are big enough to admit they failed and be willing to share what they learned.
Many have said NO to the request to speak at this event and I admire Yanki Margalit, Naftali Benet, Liad Agmon, Noam Lanir, Ishay Green, Daria Shualy, Yosi Taguri, Ofer Vilenski, Gigi Levy, Emma Butin, Eden Shochat,Yoni Dariel, Yoel Gat, Roy Tertman, Gideon Amichay, Izhar Shay, Gil Ben-Artzy, Inbal Arieli for their openness to share the stuff that didn’t quite go as they had hoped, and what they learned.
Personally, debriefing 2013 has led me to realize that my fear of failing at successfully juggling being a mommy [of 2.7 kids. in 2.7 years] and launching a new venture, has paralyzed me into ‘entrepreneurial block’. The vision of Failcon is a great way for me to kick-off 2014 too.
What’s going to happen on stage?
Speakers will give 7-minute talks, interact with the audience, and maybe we’ll also get playful, testing how comfortable they really are with failing in public… There will be panels, interviews and other content formats too. We start with a lunch and end with a cocktail and you are welcome to join.
There’s a discounted price of 299 NIS available to my friends with the code: MAYAGUEST.
The visionary behind this event is Bat-chen Grinberg.